There's always a reason to remain ...

Enjoyed making a simple comment and giving some input via LINKEDIN to an eager job-seeker for a PR position, John Saleh, a recent graduate of Bangor University.

For the curious, Bangor University is a Welsh university based in the city of Bangor in the county of Gwynedd in North Wales. It received its Royal charter in 1885 and was one of the founding Member institution of the former federal University of Wales. }:{

Contrary to the title of this blog, here is one of the prime reasons I choose not to totally follow my own admonition to EXIT EVERYTHING. Great experience to give solicited counsel to one who is in the same place I was more than two generations ago.

For this and other comments, see :


and publisher of alt@cities on for
constant web and mobile communication
Also see : exit Everything ||  HALLMARKS  ||  Our SCT Xperience
___  The alternate blogs ~ Productions by #ALTALOMAN
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change

There’s always a reason to remain …